And the truth is, there really aren't a lot of requirements...
So after a few days, I had my idea for what to give. And of course, nothing went "as planned".
- Give mindfully
- Meditate (recommended)
- Set a daily mantra for your giving each day ("today I give with...")
- Try to give something away that you feel you can't part with
- Be open to surprises on your journey
*** *** *** *** ***
I had posted a few gowns sale online, hoping to clear out my closet and make some extra money for the holidays. And I hadn't received any offers for a few days, so I decided to expand my postings to a few other locations.
Eventually I had one offer: for a Cranberry Empire-waist gown with beading just under the bust.

This was the ONLY offer I had gotten in a week, and it seemed like people had been posting more items for sale by the moment. My stuff was barely being seen, let alone purchased... but I was still not happy with the price.
Then I remembered "try to give something you don't feel you can part with". Of course I would start with the hardest end of things...
Well, I couldn't offer to GIVE it to her, we certainly needed the money, but I could sell it to her with a much more giving spirit.
I decided to wright the woman back:
My offer was met with a rousing "ok".I really love this dress, and it cost me around $250 after alterations, so I had been hoping to sell it for more...That being said, I don't want to horde this beautiful gown at the back of my closet where it will probably never be worn again. So after reflecting on things, I would like to offer it to you for $25.There is a matching shawl of the same material as well. I couldn't find it when I was putting the photos together, but after you messaged me I found it almost immediately. I guess that's a sign.✨Let me know when you are available, and we can set up a swap.
We were set up to meet on Monday, then Tuesday, then Thursday... and eventually it settled on Wednesday, with a timeline that shifted around but that didn't matter because I was in the same place for several hours anyway.
That morning, after trying for a couple days to decide on a giving mantra, it came to me...
"Today I will give with WILLINGNESS".
I had a bit of a rough morning, waking late after pushing the snooze button, and running out the door to an appointment before work. I was tired, like coffee followed by an energy drink tired, and there wasn't really a good reason for that. But I haven't been sleeping well for a while.
Making it to work, I stifled the urge to have a panic attack as the lunch flow kept me running around. Eventually I got a chance to eat, only to feel awful and bloated... lately everything I eat doesn't agree with me. I can have a salad or a pizza and it argues with my body in the same matter.
By early afternoon I was in agony, sitting in a booth and slowly wrapping silverware as I prayed for my body to calm down. After a little bit, I decided to take out the card I brought with me and fill it out.
"Joy" it read on the cover, "Merry Christmas and Blessings" was in the inside with a biblical quote. I had picked it up a couple weeks prior for no one in particular. I started with "Happy Holidays, I hope you enjoy this dress as much as I did" Then I signed it with a heart.
I placed a wrapped pretzel with (white chocolate and sprinkles) on top and labeled the card envelope, "To the woman purchasing the Cranberry Gown". Then I smiled.
And something interesting happened.
My pain subsided. After building for a few hours, I noticed it was barely present. It was as if I had been holding those feelings in my gut about giving this dress away. And now that I had this card and candy waiting for the woman, I finally let it go...
The itself trade was uneventful. She didn't feel the need to look at the dress, and when I handed it to her, I slipped the card into the folds. As I went back into the store, I noticed her looking at the envelope, then she drove away.
But my day went on much more pleasantly. I found that my panic and discomfort about having more customers subsided as people came and went. My body remained much more comfortable, and I finished my shift on a very High Note. ^_^
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