Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Gifts 6 & 7 - Warm Thoughts and Payback

Yesterday was a rough day for me.

This is the second Monday that I've taken off, since I called my work last week and told them I could no longer work on Mondays. I had hoped to get a lot of things done, but I spent most of the day catching up on rest.

I woke to find that one of our accounts was pending overdrawn by nearly $100. And found that I couldn't find a lot of stuff I was looking for around the house, because I had asked DJ to clean up. I was frustrated and limited in what I could accomplish.

I ended up focusing I'm hanging some Christmas lights around our door. We have a very small front porch, and other than window clings and a small wreath, I haven't had the time to put up decorations for Christmas.

While trying to figure out what I was going to do for the day, my thoughts went to the mother of my stepson. 

Her and her boyfriend have been going through a rough situation. In the last two weeks he was admitted to the hospital with a blood clot, they tried to perform a bypass but it was unsuccessful. 

He has made the difficult decision to have his leg amputated below the knee.

Nothing has happened yet, since he is still recovering from the previous surgery. And I know that she has been working long hours, but I wanted to offer something. So I sent her a text message letting her know that if there was anything I could do to relieve their stress, anything for her or her boyfriend, to please let me know. A little while later I received a text message of thanks.

I'm hopeful that if she finds herself in need of help, my offer will come to her mind.

***    ***    ***

Today was somewhat uneventful. I woke late because I was up late. And in turn I got to work about 10 minutes late. No one seemed to mind, so I got to work and had a regular day.

DJ surprised me by driving across town on his lunch to bring me food. It was really nice to see him, unfortunately he barely has the time to do something like that so we didn't get a chance to visit. But it was a wonderful treat none the less.

After work I ran over to the bank to deposit money, and headed home. My plan had been to stop at a gas station on the way, but with all the extra traffic, I idled longer than I normally would. And instead I found myself out of gas just as I crossed over the highway, with no gas can.

I decided not to concern DJ, he was getting out of work in about 10 minutes but he was also close to an hour away from me in this traffic. I called my mother and she agreed to come help. I spent the next few minutes listening to a comedy radio station before deciding to listen to my audiobook.

Waiting in the car I listened to how the Universe can have your back. I wrote down questions for myself, I reflected on meditation practices, and made a plan for dinner.

After 40 minutes I was rescued, discovering that DJ had also run out of gas on his side of town but was back on the road as well. 

I gave my mom $5 for helping us. She had already given me her time and the extra gas can. She asked me if I was allowed to receive it from her as a gift, but I told her I didn't work like that. She thanked me and put it in her dashboard.

Arriving home, I was cold and ready to curl up on the couch. But then I remember the gift I wanted to give DJ, and I spent the last half-hour walking up our dishes. He always takes care of them, andI didn't want him to worry about it.

That is my gift for him tonight, I know he will appreciate it. And as I write this I can hear that he just pulled up... Time for dinner.

(Additional add: I also did the dishes from dinner)

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